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 Mrs A. McLaughlin (Subject Leader)

Mrs R. Cowdry

Mr K. Boyle

Miss B. Deery


In the Home Economics Department we aim to meet the objectives of the Northern Ireland Curriculum i.e. to develop pupils as individuals, as contributors to society and as contributors to the economy and the environment by:


  • Promoting the benefits of a healthy lifestyle

  • Helping them explore their health in a practical way

  • Encouraging them to make responsible choices about their diet and their health

  • Making them aware of values and lifestyles different to their own

  • Helping them to make reasoned judgements about family relationships

  • Give them an awareness of themselves as consumers in a changing economy.




Home Economics is part of the curriculum for all KS3 pupils. All Year 8, 9 and 10 pupils are timetabled for weekly Home Economics classes. They will experience both practical and written work. Pupils will develop practical skills in the safe, hygienic, healthy and creative use of foods to enable them to plan, prepare, cook and serve food. The programme of study contains three essential and inter-related strands of experience:


  • Diet and Health – pupils get the opportunity to develop the understanding required in the choice, planning, storage, preparation and serving of food.

  • Home and Family Life – pupils explore the importance of the family

  • Independent Living – pupils are given the opportunity to understand the importance of becoming discerning and effective consumers in today’s economic climate.


KS4 Occupational Studies Level 2


This provides pupils with some of the basic cooking and baking principles required by cooks, chefs and pastry chefs in the catering industry. Pupils will apply legislative requirements when handling food and learn how to work safely and hygienically in the catering kitchen. They will learn how to select and use appropriate equipment correctly and will develop the creative skills to decorate and present products for service. It also offers an opportunity to understand the breadth of the catering industry, including career opportunities.


The assessment is made up from practical skills alongside a related portfolio.


Pupils must complete two units which are internally marked and externally moderated:

Contemporary Cuisine: 4 starters, 4 mains and 4 desserts

Patisserie and Baking: 2 breads, 2 scones, 2 cakes, 2 biscuits and 4 pastry products


KS4 Child Development (GCSE)


 GCSE Child Development is taught under the following key concepts:

  • Parenthood, pregnancy and child birth.

  • Development of a child from birth to 5 years.

  • Investigation Task

This course involves students in the study of the physical, social, intellectual and emotional development of young children from conception to the age of five years. It encourages knowledge and understanding of pregnancy, the needs of young children, the roles and responsibilities of parents, and the social and environmental influences affecting family life.


Year 11: Exam set by CCEA - 1 hour 15 mins paper worth a total of 30%

 Year 12: Exam set by CCEA - 1 hour 15 mins paper worth a total of 30%

Controlled assessment – set by CCEA, Internally marked and externally moderated worth a total of 40%


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